Sensei Wu

Sensei Wu
My Birthday:


Estimated Available Date:


Salutations, I’m Sensei Wu

My favorite thing to do is eat! I’m a growing boy and I outweigh my siblings by far. I’m likely going to be a huge kitty. I’m not overweight, just large!

What makes me special is I came from an outdoor colony that neighbors came together and tended. They spayed and neutered the adults who wanted to stay outside, but brought me and my brothers to AZCare Rescue since we were social and happy to be around people.

I want my new owner to know I’m cautious with new things. The first time my foster family brought out a dangly toy for us to play with I let all the other kittens go first and I hung back and watched to see what would happen. It looked like fun, so eventually I came down to sniff things over. I like to approach new things at my own pace. I’ve done fine with other animals thus far but will require a slow introduction to new dogs or cats since I am timid at first.
I really lean in to cheek rubs and I have a rumbly purr.

When I am feeling playful I like to…climb cat trees and sit in window sills. I like catnip mice. Some noisy toys that crinkle or jingle scare me at first, but when allowed to approach them at my own pace I can enjoy them. When it is time to rest I sleep I like to sleep either cozied up with a friend or human or perched up in a cat tree.

I am good with[Cats, Dogs, Kids]

By nature I am… [Cuddly, Affectionate, Curious].