Hello, I’m Ronin
My favorite thing to do is chill. I’m a loaf kitty. Sure, I have energy and I do like to play, but I’m the kind of kitty that appreciates a good sunbeam on the floor to bask in.
What makes me special is I came from an outdoor kitty colony that some neighbors came together to manage. Some were fixed and allowed to stay outdoors where they were most comfortable, but my brothers and I like people and were given the opportunity to come live inside. I much prefer it! So many cozy spots to enjoy.
I want my new owner to know I’m a sweet, mellow boy. You can come and pet me, I don’t mind.
I’ve made friends with people and other kitties. I’m starting to learn to like dogs, but will need a gradual introduction to any dogs in a home.
When I am feeling playful I like to…wrestle or chase toys. When it is time to rest I sleep I like to sleep in kitty tents or boxes, tile floors or carpets…Anywhere. I’ll sleep pretty much anywhere.
I am good with[Cats, Dogs, Kids]
By nature I am… [Quiet, Affectionate, Curious].