What’s up everyone? I’m Fable
My favorite thing to do is I’m Fable, and I love talking to my foster and letting her know that she was late with my breakfast! I also let her know when I need to snuggle, I’ll keep letting her know till she picks me up:)
What makes me special is My foster mom says I’m very Special. She says everything about me is all Love and light! She says that I am just the cutest widdle fur-baby, and plumpest of us all:)
I want my new owner to know That I am a needy little man, and would do best with one of my siblings, I like calm spaces that don’t have a lot of loud noises, I’m super bashful and need someone who has time to spend with me, but who knows, maybe when I’m older I’ll be more brave!
When I am feeling playful I like to…Play with my siblings! Coven and I have a lot in common, we are the most affectionate of the 4.. we require a little more attention because we love being loved soooo much!! So, that’s why it’s best we have each other. When it is time to rest I sleep in my Den, or in my cat tree, I will usually go sleep with a sibling and we cuddle up together. Or I’ll ask my foster mom if I can lay on her lap for a little while.
I am good with Cats, Kids and I have no experience around dogs
By nature I am… Cuddly, Very Shy, Social, Affectionate, Curious, I like to be held.
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