What’s up everyone? I’m Coven
My favorite thing to do is I really love to do is wrestle and play with my siblings, I also really love to talk and let you know when I want held or need something..
What makes me special is My foster mom says that my personality makes me one of a kind, she loves that I show affection and says for a Tortie, I’m pretty amazing 😉
I want my new owner to know I really love my siblings a lot, and would do best if I could keep one with me furrrrevvvverrrr, we are a very close bunch.
When I am feeling playful I like to…I really love to crawl up my foster moms back and play with her hair (so make sure you cut my nails, but not too short, cause it might hurt”)
When I’m really feeling playful you can catch me trying to sneak attack my sister when I think she isn’t looking, I pounce!!! (she always wins though, but I don’t mind, I keep trying anyways!!) When I’m not doing that, I will usually just play and snuggle up with my siblings, and all our crinkle and yarn toys! OoOH, and I almost forgot, I really do love my cat tree, I love to climb up it, and bounce around!!! I do this a lot when my foster mom is away, and her back isn’t available, so I guess you could say we stay pretty busy playing around here;) When it is time to rest I sleep My favorite thing about my fosters house, is she has a hiding spot for us to sleep in! And boy do we love safe places to hide, it’s a cat house/Den, and I love to go in there when I’m feeling afraid, unwell, need a nap, or just because I’m ready for bed. My foster mom always puts on sleep, meditation, or nature sounds for us to listen to, and I’m not sure if it helps, but we pass out every time.. it’s comforting, she even has a daytime version she will put on for us when she leaves the room.. I think we like it though 🙂
I am good with Kids and I have no experience around dogs
By nature I am… I like to be held, Shy, Curious.
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