Purresident’s Press June 1st, 2020

Purresident’s Press June 1st, 2020

Our team here at AZ CARE hope that this message finds you well,

As the President of AZ CARE Rescue. I would like to thank the people who brought a post to our attention that one of our affiliates had made which propagated racism and hate. Although we have no control over the thoughts and actions of our affiliates, we can control their connection to us. Our organization values all lives, both human and animal alike and believe they should be treated with dignity and respect. We hope you know our sponsors are in no way a reflection of our values and beliefs. I am personally working on this situation and have made the sponsor aware that we do not tolerate hate speech nor will we continue to be affiliated with someone who wishes to believe in such behavior. Hate is no way to live in this world. It only breeds destruction. We believe in hope, peace, and love for ALL.



Kaylene Pearce

President |AZ Center for Animal Rescue & Education |AZ CARE


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