Hello, I’m Squeakers
My favorite thing to do is Is snuggle up and nap, but I also like to play and chase string
What makes me special is I’m super sweet. My completely different colored tail and bright blue eyes make everyone stop and stare!
I want my new owner to know I love following you around and veiling you all about my day. I’ll also snuggle in and listen to you tell me about your day.
When I am feeling playful I like to…I like to play with anything you give me! When it is time to rest I sleep I like to snuggle up with you, sleep high on the cat tree, or in a hidden spot
I am good with[Dogs], I am not good with or unsure around [Cats], and I have no experience around [kids]
By nature I am… [Loud, Playful, Affectionate, Social].