What’s up everyone?, I’m Kanan
My favorite thing to do is run, play, and pounce! I also love curling up for some loves.
What makes me special is I trill when I meow and sometimes when I purr. I sound like a chirpy bird sometimes. It’s awfully cute, I know. I’m adorable. I just can’t help it!
I want my new owner to know I was left alone under a trailer home when my mama cat died. Some nice people helped my brothers and I out and brought us to our foster home.
When I am feeling playful I like to…chase jingle balls, pounce on fuzzy mice, or leap for dangly toys. When it is time to rest I sleep In people’s laps or a soft kitty bed.
I am good with[Cats, Dogs, Kids]
By nature I am… [Cuddly, Playful, Social, Affectionate, Curious, I like to be held].