My favorite thing to do is I love to yell at you. I am a really good talker. I tell you when I need attention, when my bowl is only half full, when my toy gets stuck under the dresser and when I’m just generally unhappy with your outfit.
What makes me special is I came from a hording house. When they brought me into the rescue, I just hid for a really long time. The longer I have been here, the more I have learned that people aren’t so bad. They know I’m scared and give me my space but they know I’m trying to be more “people friendly”. I’ve come around a lot. I let the people pet me when I’m eating (it’s the least I can do for a full belly) and I like to follow them around to see what there up to.
I want my new owner to know I need someone who can be very patient with me. You need to understand that it could take me months to come out of my shell. Love, patience and food will really help me along the path of becoming an amazing companion. I love other cats and I tolerate dogs but because I am so shy, I will not be good in a house with kids. Their busy bodies will just scare me and I’ll just stay hidden all the time. A quiet home is the one for me!
When I am feeling playful I like to…I LOVE TOYS. You can always hear me playing with jingly balls, throwing and chasing my stuffies and attacking the bath mat (its fuzzy!) I am very playful even if you don’t see me playing. When it is time to rest I sleep I like to sleep in the cat tree or under the bed.
I am good with[Cats, Dogs], I am not good with or unsure around [Kids]
By nature I am… [Energetic, Playful, Very Shy, Loud, I do not like to be held].