Salutations, I’m Beetlejuice
My favorite thing to do is Play and when I am comfortable, get attention from you!
What makes me special is I am a super sweet kitty who needs a little time to adjust to things, but will be a great companion to a human.
I want my new owner to know I was returned to the rescue after 3 years in a home. My adoptive family said that I suddenly became aggressive to my brother, and they wanted to return me. I am afraid of the other cats in my foster home, but am good with the dogs, so I would likely need to be the only cat in the home. If you do decide to adopt me, I will need a few days in a small area to get used to you, and understand you will not do me any harm, and I will begin to talk to you and seek out affection and be your best friend.
When I am feeling playful I like to…play with the dangly toys that my foster has set up for me.
When it is time to rest I sleep On the cat tree, but I would like to sleep in your bed with you!
I am good with Dogs and Kid], I am unsure around Cats.
By nature I am… Cuddly, Shy, Loud, Affectionate, Curious, and I do not like to be held.